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Discovering Rome's Splendid Urban Landscapes: A Guide to Wide Walks, Plazas, River Walks and Historic Sights

Public parks in Rome like Jardins Nicola Calipari invariably have plenty of shade trees and wide paths for the many users of the park.

A wonderful paza at Jardins Nicola Calipari where there are large shade trees, attaractive paving and moveable bistro seating to create a great gathering place.

A mass of agapanthus creates a nice juxtapositon with the ancient roam ruins.

A beautiful arcade with nice planters and plants grown as clipped standards at the base to add softness to the landscape.

Fantastic view from the the Paletine Hill thjat shows the rugged beauty of the ruins and the sentry like presence of the rugged stone pines (Pinus pinea) and olive trees.

Historic cobblestone path with the umbrella-like, drought resistant stone pine in the background at Paletine Hill.

Intricate pattern formed by contrasting colours of pebbles at Paletine Hill.

An awesome look up at the umbrella-like canopy of the stone pine.

Contrasting shot of original Roman cobblestones and a more recent use of stone sets.

A final shot of gorgeous plane trees lining a river in Rome.


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